Presidents Message


 Presidents Message June 2024 Our 55th Year!

 Hi to all of our Ford lovers, I trust that you are enjoying this summer weather basking in the warm sunny days getting out and about enjoying the cars and everything the summer has to offer. The month of May started off displaying our cars at the Cleveland Yachting Club. What a wonderful relaxing day it turned out to be. Rain was predicted but never showed up. The weather was perfect to sit under the trees and watch the day go by. I am happy to say we had a very good turnout. This year the boat owners showed up with some jaw dropping yachts. They were huge. Along with the massive yachts all of the docks were full with a wide array of boats. The club treated us well as in years past with some interest of our cars and a host of very interesting hors o’doeuvres. As we were getting ready to leave the gentleman that puts this display said that we have a standing invitation to come back next year. With that everyone in our group said they will defiantly return. July 20 th is our day trip to Warren, Oh to tour the National Packard Museum and the Medici Art museum to view the largest display of Norman Rockwell’s illustrations of art work regarding the Boy Scouts of America .This should be an enjoyable day as Warren is in a little more than hour away by the back roads. If the weather is nice bring your old iron out. If not, your family car will be fine. By the time you read this the Central and Eastern National meets will be history. I hope to hear that we brought home some nice awards. Hope all that had a safe trip with no problems. Keep in mind there is no V-8 meeting in June.