1936 Ford
1937 Ford

Events Calendar

NORG Luncheon Olesia's Restaurant

Friday 08 December 2023 12:00pm
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December Luncheon

Olesia's Taverne of Richfield

Friday, December 8th

A historic structure and a wonderful place to eat with a very comprehensive menu . Something for everyone

They are located at 3960 Broadview Road near corner of Broadview

Road (RT 176)and RT 303 in Richfield Phone: (234) 400-0288

If you are planning on coming, please call Neal Garland at 330-338-1510 so he can reserve


Location : 3960 Broadview Road Richfield
Contact : Neal Garland at 330-338-1510
near corner of Broadview Road (RT 176)and RT 303 in Richfield Phone: (234) 400-0288


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